Many people contributed to the development of Early Childhood Education 2023. A special thank you to our partner the Abilio — Childhood Knowledge Dissemination Centre, formerly the Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development, at the Université Laval and Université de Montréal and Kristell Le Martret and Isabelle Vinet who oversaw the Quebec profile and all translations.
We would like to acknowledge the Atkinson Centre for Society and Child Development, a partnership between the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto and the School of Early Childhood at George Brown College. The valued support and encouragement of the Atkinson chair, Dr. Jennifer Jenkins, the director of the School of Early Childhood, Bernice Cipparrone, and the faculty and administration that makes our work possible.
We are endlessly grateful to our project coordinator Stacey Mudie, who oversees all elements of the report, including endless drafts, logistics, and communications. Without her tireless work, the report would not happen.
The vital contribution of Statistics Canada to this project must be noted. The quality information generated by the department is invaluable for evidence-based policy change. Consistent and reliable data is central to the work that we do.
A special thank you to Jane Bertrand for her valuable input.
We are most obliged to officials working in provincial and territorial departments and ministries. Their willingness to gather the data, answer our many questions, and review drafts for accuracy were not only essential to the development of this report but provide accountability to Canadians for their investments in the early care and education of our children.
Departments contacted included:
Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education and Early Childhood Development New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Prince Edward Island Department of Education and Early Years Québec Ministère de la Famille Ministère de l'Éducation Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale Ontario Ministry of Education Manitoba Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Alberta Alberta Children and Family ServicesAlberta Education
British Columbia Ministry of Education and Child Care Nunavut Department of Education Northwest Territories Department of Education, Culture, and Employment Yukon Department of Education
The production of this report was made possible thanks to the skill and patience of the following: our copy editor, Janice Dyer, translator Maryse Froment-Lebeau, and Kathleen McBride and Cranberryink for graphic design and website development. The Atkinson Centre sincerely thanks its funding partners: The Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation, The Atkinson Foundation, and The Lawson Foundation; whose support is essential to the creation and dissemination of the Early Childhood Education Report 2023. A special thank you to the Honourable Margaret Norrie McCain and Jane Bertrand (The Margaret and Wallace McCain Family Foundation), Colette Murphy and Jenn Miller (The Atkinson Foundation), and Christine Alden (The Lawson Foundation). While appreciating the input of many, the authors accept full responsibility for the content of the Early Childhood Education Report 2023.Dr. Emis Akbari, Kerry McCuaig, and Shelly Mehta.
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