Canada-Prince Edward Island Early Learning and Child Care Agreement – 2021 to 2025 Prince Edward Island’s Action Plan for fiscal year 2022 to 2023 Canada ‒ Prince Edward Island Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement – 2021 to 2026 Agreement to amend the Canada – Prince Edward Island Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement - 2021 to 2026
Agreement/Action Plan
Predominantly support not-for-profit, public early learning and child care providers / operations, as well as family home child care
Wage grid and pensions for child care workforce
Establish Minister’s Early Years Advisory Committee
Government Announcements/Updates
May 3/22 Early Learning and Child Care Board
July 27/21 $10 a day child care for families in Prince Edward Island
October/21Wage Grid
Federal funding: $16 million from 2021-2026
Reduce parent fees to average $10/day by end of 2024
Develop and implement provincial wage-grid
Develop a pension plan in partnership with Early Childhood Development Association of PEI to roll out in 2022-2023
Post-secondary Education Grants to support 400 early childhood educators
Create a Return to the Early Years Incentive Grant
December 15/23$10-a-day child care starting January 1
August 21/23 Creating more child care spaces and making investments to support early childhood educators
May 25/23 Provincial Budget Operating Budget
November 8/22 Support for licensed home child care centres in Prince Edward Island
July 27/22 Celebrating the one-year anniversary of the signing of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement with Prince Edward Island
February 24/22 Prince Edward Island Budget Address
December 21/21Parent fee reductions coming January 1
August 14/21 Government of Canada and Government of Prince Edward Island announce extension of support for quality early learning and child care across the province
Create 452 new regulated early learning and child care spaces by 2023
Increase the net number of regulated early learning and child care spaces for children under age 6 to achieve a coverage rate of 59% by 2025-26
Increase spaces in Early Years Centres, designate additional Early Years Centres and increase licensed Family Home Centres
Introduce universal, no fee PreKindergarten program 15 hours/week in regulated child care programs for 4 year olds
Expand child care for children with special needs and children in underserved communities
Develop and implement a cultural inclusion plan
Expand Handle with Care to families with newborn children
May 15/24Building more child care spaces for families in Prince Edward Island
April 27/22Increasing access to child care
November 26/21 More early childhood centres receive Early Years Centre Designation
July 28/21 Supporting Inclusion
April 26/21 The Universal PreKindergarten Program
Increase the percentage of individuals certified at early childhood educators
Provide professional development opportunities
Partner with Holland College and Collège de l'Île to deliver post secondary education opportunities
Create an Innovative Practice Grant for centres to explore non-monetary initiatives to enhance retention
October 4/23More supports for home based child care centres
July 28/21Increasing Quality
Annual report starting in fiscal year 2022-2023, no later than October 1 of each fiscal year, report on the results and expenditures of early learning and child care programs and services attributable to the funding provided by Canada under CWELLC Agreement
December 13/24National Progress Report on Early Learning and Child Care 2020 to 2021
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