All data for the present report are current up to and including March 31, 2017.
Benchmarks are not aspirational goals; instead, they express the basic requirements that jurisdictions should meet to establish and maintain acceptable quality and access in their early childhood systems. For this reason, partial marks are not assigned. A benchmark was reached if policies were in place or if the province/territory has embarked on a particular initiative with a commitment to take it system-wide by March 31, 2017. Many jurisdictions have ambitious plans for their ECE systems, however the benchmark was not attained if these polices were still in development. For the 2017 report, all provinces and territories were invited to provide a summary (250 words) or less outlining any policies, commitments or initiatives in progress after March 31, 2017.
Next: I. Benchmarks Focused on Governance for Integrated Early Childhood Education >
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